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452 lines
Protect! EXE/COM v.5.0
(C) 1993,1994 Jeremy Lilley,
All Rights Reserved
February 12, 1994
The Very Brief Table of Contents:
Introduction: What's New With Protect! EXE/COM v.5.0 ? .... 1
Why Should I Choose Protect ? ............................. 1
Requirements .............................................. 2
How To Use Protect! EXE/COM ............................... 2
Which Files Can't Be Protected ............................ 3
Legal Terms / Disclaimer .................................. 3
License ................................................... 4
How Does Protect! EXE/COM Stand up to Other Utilities? .... 4
Technical Notes ........................................... 5
The Mutation Engine ....................................... 6
Closing ................................................... 7
Introduction: What's New With Protect! EXE/COM v.5.0 ?
If you're sick of seeing updates for Protect!, this version
has not been made as a fix for some mass-unprotect program as
with some past versions. Instead, v.5.0 has been made as a
personal challenge to see how effectively I could code debug
traps and my own mutation engine (see the Mutation Engine
section). There still were quite a few annoying bugs in v.4.0
that I had to wipe out with complete recoding. However, now
Protect!'s output should work completely reliably (without "bad
mutations" or anything of the sort) on any standard PC
compatible. In addition, you don't need to use a compressor with
Protect! (which is about time). I've tightened down security
quite a bit at the cost of a little speed (I didn't think anyone
would object to the extra tenth of a second that the longer keys
use up). Otherwise, you can basically find out anything else new
from the README and WHATSNEW files.
Why Should I Choose Protect ?
Protect! is designed to encrypt and secure your executable
program files by unobtrusively placing a special security
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envelope around them. Without adding significantly to the load
time or the file size, you can be sure that nobody will be able
to tamper with your files without getting a file integrity error
message (the file integrity error message is user-selectable for
registered users only, and that is the only really "big"
difference between the registered and unregistered files). To
Protect a specific file, simply run Protect! on it, and you and
your users will never know that it's there unless somebody tries
to change it. Since the file will be encrypted and garbled up,
not every Dick and Jane with a hex editor will be able to blank
out your copyright screens. Don't expect to be able to easily
trace through Protect's security envelope with a debugger -
advanced debug traps help destroy this option. Protect! is the
most advanced executable protection program of its type that you
can buy to keep your programs from being altered or reverse-
The requirements are basically nil: DOS 2.0, IBM PC, 64k,
etc... I can run this program on my 4.77 mhz XT and I have done
much testing of Protect! on even this lowest common denominator-
type of machine, to make sure that Protect! will run on every
type of computer from 8088 to 486 to Pentium and beyond. You do
not need to have a compressor as with previous versions of
Protect!, but you are generally recommended to use one because
it may speed up processing a bit. Many files that couldn't be
compressed before, such as Clipper (R) files and several overlay
files can now be compressed.
How To Use Protect! EXE/COM:
The command-line syntax for Protect! EXE/COM v.5.0 is the
ProtExCm filename[.EXT] [* CRC_Msg.Fil - Registered only*]
The CRC error message file is available for registered
users only and more complete directions on how to use it and the
default CRC.MSG file are included in the registered version of
the documentation.
Here are some usage examples:
ProtExCm MyProg.EXE
(To Protect MyProg.EXE)
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ProtExCm MyProg
(To Protect either MyProg.EXE or MyProg.COM)
As you can see, you don't need an MIT engineering degree to
use Protect. Keep in mind that you can customize the file
integrity error message if you register Protect. Also, when a
file integrity error occurs, an errorlevel of 250 is returned to
Please note that a file CANNOT be expanded after being
protected with Protect! EXE/COM (you can probably see why), so
please preserve the backup file (.OLD) until you are sure that
the protected file runs correctly (some incompatibilities may
possibly arise with certain files). This is about all that you
need to know before you can really start protecting your program
files. I have taken out PROTECT.BAT from this version because it
was basically worthless, especially because compression is not
required under Protect! v.5.0.
Which Files Can't Be Protected:
Windows (R) and OS/2 (R) files cannot be protected with
Protect! EXE/COM. The reason for this is that a Windows EXE is
basically a small DOS program that says "this program requires
Windows" with a pointer to the actual Windows program (which
only Windows and Windows-supporting products detect in order to
use the Windows part). Protect! will now automatically detect if
a file is for Windows or OS/2 so that you don't waste your time
trying to Protect them. Also, due to the structure of Protect!,
files larger than the 600k neighborhood can't be Protected
(because the entire file has to be able to all fit in memory
once when it loads). This fact, of course, makes Protect!
worthless for xBase files where the basic "Hello World" EXE is
over a meg. You can technically Protect files like COMMAND.COM
(though not the older PC-DOS(R) system files called IBMDOS.COM &
IBMBIO.COM),but it would be rather pointless, especially because
most resident virus-detection programs double and triple monitor
system files.
Legal Terms / Disclaimer:
Protect! EXE/COM v.5.0 basically has no legal guarantee/
warranty basically because I don't want to get sued over it, and
should be used "as is." Here is the official disclaimer:
Protect! EXE/COM v.5.0 ("program") will alter executable
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files and may have or cause compatibility problems with them
(that is why .OLD files are created, in case of incompatibility
with a particular file) in certain circumstances. Under no
circumstances may Jeremy Lilley ("author") be held liable or
accountable for any damage to system files, executable files,
data files, or any other system or data damage due to use or
misuse of his program. The author also may not be held
accountable for loss of profits or for any other damages
incurred by the use or misuse of his program. The author has
forewarned any users that damage to files may occur with use or
misuse of his program, and in executing the program, the user
fully understands these risks and this disclaimer.
Don't worry -- there is little risk of damage resulting
from this program's use as long as you use it correctly.
However, if you try to make it mess up, it probably will. Just
remember that it isn't my fault if you misuse my program.
Also, all trademarks used, demarcated by (R), are acknowledged
to be property of their respective owners.
You may use Protect! EXE/COM for the purposes of evaluating
it (after understanding the disclaimer and the documentation)
for 30 days. No files protected by Protect! EXE/COM during this
trial period may be distributed to other computers at all,
commercially or non-commercially. If you find Protect! EXE/COM
to be of use to you, you must register Protect! EXE/COM with the
author. Government, educational, and commercial institutions
must register this program with the author prior to use (please
contact me for quantity discounts). Sysops, user groups, disk
vendors, and other similar organizations may distribute Protect!
EXE/COM provided that no files are excluded from the
distribution and that no more that $10 is charged for
In addition, because this is encryption software, it *must
not* be distributed to countries or regions with U.S. encryption
export restrictions including: Afghanistan, Albania, Bulgaria,
Cambodia, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Libya,
North Korea, China, Poland, Romania, Syria, the former USSR,
Vietnam, or Yemen (so in other words, next time you have to fly
to Baghdad on business, you have to leave Protect! behind
How Does Protect! EXE/COM Stand Up To Other Utilities?
Protect! EXE/COM's first concern is security. No other
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program emphasizes the file integrity checking using a CRC to
the extent that Protect! does. Try PKLITing an EXE file and
change a byte or two in the middle of the file (find parts of
text that you can still recognize slightly). As long as the
program doesn't crash (it may if you've messed too much with the
code portions), PKLITE won't notice your changes at all. A
hacker can also decompress a program compressed with PKLITE or
LZEXE quite easily -- even if a program is compressed with the
supposedly "invincible" -E option on the professional version of
PKLITE. After decompressing, any hacker can change your program
(remove copyright screens, disassemble code, etc...), compress
it again, and spread it around, possibly damaging your profits,
your reputation, and others' computers (I hope you have a good
disclaimer...). Fortunately, hacking is not quite that rampant,
but it still is a possibility and a risk, and it is much better
to pay a few dollars up-front to be safe than to be sorry in the
future. Though NO software-only (or even hardware-based, as in
the case of Everlock (R) and others) protection program is 100%
fool-proof, I am pretty sure this program is the best for
protecting your EXE and COM files. Most modifications and
"hacks" can't be detected and defended against with ordinary
tools, and it is up to you to protect your programs.
Technical Notes:
First of all, thank you to everyone who contributed anti-
debug tricks and other ideas for this version of Protect. With
these new ideas, Protect! can be much more secure and faster. I
have dumped the old mutation engine and replaced it this time
because the old one didn't always mutate correctly (I'll explain
the mutation engine a little further on). I also was extra-
cautious on compatibility for this version of Protect! after
having so many problems with Protect! v.4.0. Prefetch-queue
tricks are no longer used, despite their effectiveness, because
they may not work on some machines. In addition, Protect!
doesn't look for or touch any 386 debugging registers on a 386
(despite its being suggested to me on several occasions to
thwart Soft-ICE) because that can upset multitasking
environments such as OS/2 (R) (which I happen to use).
Protect! v.5.0 adds something in the neighborhood of 1k to
the average, depending on how long the CRC error message is and
how the file is mutated by the mutation engine. Protect! v.5.0
is definitely slower than v.4.0 because of its extra-complicated
decryption loop, but it should be much more of a pain to trace
through for a hacker (it should load at about the same speed
than version 3.x did). Also, once again, you should not try to
layer multiple copies of Protect! on top of a file like you
could in v.4.0 - the new headers have been *sensitized* to
things placed on top of them and the combined loading delay
would start to become noticeable.
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Like v.4.0 and unlike versions before that, Protect! is
written entirely in assembly language, mostly with the A86
assembler. I write and test Protect! on both my 486 DX/2-66
running OS/2 and my not-yet-buried 4.77/10 mhz switchable
"turbo" XT. Protect! has been around for a while, with many
people pitching in ideas to make it more secure. If you have any
suggestions, questions, comments, etc. about Protect!, you can
easily contact me through Compuserve/Internet e-mail, or if
nothing else, postal "snail mail" and I am usually pretty open
to your comments.
The Mutation Engine:
The mutation engine that you have been hearing about (which
I also didn't explain too well in v.4.0) is an integral part of
Protect. Now that I have created a pretty powerful mutation
engine for Protect! v.5.0, I think I should at least clarify
what it is.
Many utilities that can attach an envelope on an EXE (such
as LZEXE or other file compression utilities) have are the same
every time. That is why UNLZEXE or generic unprotect-type
utilities are pretty easy to make. When an unprotection utility
(such as UNP) unprotects a file, it creates a virtual-DOS
environment for the file to run in until the file finishes
decrypting itself. When it is done decrypting itself, the
unprotect utility simply writes what's in memory to disk and you
have your unprotected file. (not that difficult, right ?) The
program may use a different key every time and even encrypt
itself, but all the unprotect program has to do is just trace
through that until it gets to the entry point, and all of that
is for naught.
One of the tricks for foiling unprotection utilities and
debuggers lies is the fact that the unprotector must always have
control over the Protected program in order to stop it when it
is decrypted in memory. If you remove the unprotector's control
and subvert it without harming the operating system or other
concurrently-running applications, you are one step ahead in
protecting your programs. However, an unprotect program author
can just instruct his utility to detect the type of file and
blank out the bytes that would kill it when it gets to them.
This would result into a high-tech cat-and-mouse game.
The reason that it isn't too difficult to make normal
unprotects stems from the fact that the protector's security
envelope is the *same every time*. I coded a mutation engine for
Protect! to make sure that the security envelopes wouldn't be
the same every single time a new one is encoded. Instead of
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being able to "trace in" a definite number of bytes every time
and being able to blank out a certain number of bytes every
time, these figures will have to vary between each and every
different file that is Protected. If you get one original file
and Protect on several different occasions, it will never be the
same length or have the same content every time (there are
thousands and thousands of different combinations). My mutation
engine randomly decides which machine code instructions to use
every time: it may use a 3 or 4 byte equivalent of a 2 byte
instruction or vice-versa in any order that works. Because there
are definite rules for this mutation, it will work every time.
Since the mutated portion is relatively small (but effective),
an extra byte or two in a spot will not adversely affect the
performance of your Protected files. Protect! uses both a
mutation engine and a variety of anti-debug tricks interspersed
throughout to help attain maximum security for your files.
There is no doubt that Protect! EXE/COM can save you time,
effort, energy, and money. There are NO "run-time fees,"
"royalties," or anything of the type attached to the cost of
Protect! EXE/COM; you can protect and distribute as many files
as you want with Protect! EXE/COM once you register (using as
many different file integrity error messages as you want). The
cost is $25 per copy of Protect! EXE/COM per machine. There is
almost no difference between the registered and unregistered
versions of Protect! EXE/COM except for the "beg screen" and the
absence of CRC error message customization (actually, the
registered version intercepts slightly different interrupts, so
you're also a little safer with it because fewer people have the
copy with customized interrupts). The unregistered version uses
a CRC error message saying that the file was protected with an
UNREGISTERED copy of Protect! EXE/COM, but nobody should see
that message in the first place because it is illegal to
distribute Protected files prior to registration <Grin>. My
program is really not crippled except that I'm sure you would
want to use your own CRC error messages instead of the one I've
provided (and also to get rid of the "beg screen"). Besides
that, I really do not like finding programs Protected with the
unregistered version of my program being distributed.
There is a definite threat of hackers and viruses on the
loose and it is your responsibility to protect your programs.
What other utilities try, Protect! does. While some compression
utilities such as LZEXE and PKLITE that are already on the
market marginally have the ability to protect your programs,
only Protect! EXE/COM has the ability to provide solid
Thank you for evaluating Protect! EXE/COM and actually
reading the documentation -- Happy EXE/COM Protecting!
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Please send any Inquiries to:
Jeremy Lilley
Protect! EXE/COM
2711 Oakview Circle
Medford, OR 97504
Compuserve: 75060,2074
Internet: 75060.2074@compuserve.com